Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Our broken family court system

Our broken family court system

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For those who have experienced Family Court Hell, the information in this volume will be jarringly familiar. For those who are not familiar with what goes on in our family courts, you need to be forewarned. You may unexpectedly be one of several million Americans who each year find themselves involved in domestic disputes without having an iota of foreknowledge what is about to engulf them, especially if there are children involved. Our Broken Family Court System is a collection of transcripts from the 2012 conference conducted by the Cummings Foundation. The speakers include judges, lawyers, psychologists and others. Each speaker tackles the problems within the family court system from their own professional standpoint. This book addresses a broken organization that often victimizes the innocent parties. Inspired and aided by the noteworthy film, No Way Out But One, produced by the prize-winning documentary director Garland Waller, Our Broken Family Court System addresses the inherent limitations and biases that are present in the current family court structure. Frustrated by the underhanded opposition of the entrenched interests, the speakers of this conference address the lack of understanding in family court cases. Speakers point out the flaws in traditional principles, such as the idea that joint custody is always preferable, the child will always be happier with a biological parent, and that child is not capable of having a voice in the courtroom. The speakers in these transcripts identify weaknesses and contradictions in the current system and offer viable solutions that reflect the most recent understanding of family dynamics and childhood psychology. Our Broken Family Court System is a comprehensive analysis of a jumbled and confusing situation that can easily create more suffering than assistance.


Ithaca Press


New York




Our broken family court system
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