The Biology of Trichechus manatus and the Effect of Florida's Power Plants on the Manatee

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Marine Biology

Second Degree Name

M.S. Coastal Zone Management

First Advisor

Keith Ronald

Second Advisor

Mahmood Shivji

Third Advisor

Charles Messing

Fourth Advisor

Richard E. Dodge


The utilization, evolution, morphology, population dynamics, distribution, parturition, and mortality rates of the West Indian manatee (Trlchechus manatus) are reviewed. The alteration of the manatee's migration patterns due to warm water discharges serving as thermal refuges is also discussed.

This paper focuses on the management of the West Indian manatee in the Florida Power & Light (FPL) power plant' located in Port Everglades Florida. The FPL provides an independent (non·FPL) part-time observer to monitor the Intake Canal for manatees on an annual basis. The main objective of the FPL project is to guarantee the safety of the manatees.

Current, as well as potential management strategies are suggested, with respect to habitat preservation and species conservation are discussed, such as the Geographical Informational System.

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