NSU Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS) Alumni


Ashley Richie Lawrence


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NSU Major

Au.D. Audiology, BS Biology

NSU Minor Degree


NSU Undergraduate Date


NSU Graduate Degree Graduation Date


Current Employer

West Palm Beach VA Medical Center

NSU Experience

NSU’s undergraduate biology program prepared me to make a smooth transition from an undergraduate student into a professional medical program. The undergraduate coursework was challenging and educational, with the option of multiple hands-on training opportunities and volunteer activities to accelerate learning. The professors are genuinely invested in your future and encourage you to be independent and life-long learners. The best part about NSU community is the opportunity to get involved. Research all of the organizations you are interested in and become an active member of something that means something to you personally. It will not only enrich your educational opportunities and allow chances for networking and professional development, but will also contribute to your own personal growth.


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