

In his 2024 book, Developing Theory through Qualitative Inquiry, Johnny Saldaña has added an impressive work to his already expansive collection of guides to meet the needs of qualitative researchers and qualitative data analysts. Starting from the definition of theory and moving into the realm of theory-based qualitative research, in his new book, Johnny shares his unique perspective as a research methods educator and qualitative data analyst to teach us the fundamentals of theory development. Each chapter contains clear learning objectives, abundant examples, ample exercises, helpful definitions, and loads of suggested readings; so much so you will think he has somehow managed to fit an entire research library into one book. Given that he has included close to 500 one-sentence theories, definitions of theories, and metatheories, you will soon see my library-in-a-book is not an exaggeration. I encourage you to add this work to your own qualitative research library, and even if you are your only student leaning to develop and evaluate theory in a class of one, Johnny Saldaña is the only teacher you will need.


theory, theory development, qualitative inquiry, qualitative research, qualitative data analysis, coding, ethnotheatre

Author Bio(s)

Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D., is Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. He is also Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Qualitative Report. Please direct correspondence to ron@nova.edu.

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