Recognize Your Habits, Change Your Destiny

Recognize Your Habits, Change Your Destiny



Author Bio(s)

For more than 25 years, Mike Kelly has consulted Fortune 500 companies, professional sports teams, venture funds, and startups. As a consultant, trainer, and coach, Kelly has helped organizations to become more productive through process, technology, and education. His work promotes more effective leaders, stronger teams, and greater workplace satisfaction. Kelly recently completed the coursework for NSU’s Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and will begin his doctoral studies later this year. According to Kelly, “Even in the face of corporate policy and swiftly advancing technology, it is still the people that make organizations work. Helping people to be more productive and happy in their roles is the best way for organizations to be successful.”

Talk Description

We each have the potential within us to achieve our ideal destiny, whether that vision is defined by personal wealth or being part of something that changes the world. But, our life experiences often leave us with habits of perception and behavior that sabotage our efforts to positively impact our own lives and the world at large. The crucial first step in changing these habits is to identify and understand some of the long-standing, unconscious perceptions and behaviors that drive our daily lives. Recognizing our strengths, which can then be enhanced; our sources of stress, which can then be alleviated; and our blind spots, which can then be dealt with, allows us to make powerful changes in our habits—and ultimately in our own personal destiny.


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Recognize Your Habits, Change Your Destiny
