Become a Storyteller: The Importance of the Stories of Others
Author Bio(s)
Maria Valladares is an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies with a minor in Paralegal Studies and Global Engagement. She was born in Nicaragua but moved to the United States with her mother when she was seven years old. Being an immigrant has enabled Valladares to be passionate about law, human rights, world issues, and equality. Valladares reflects these passions through her involvement at NSU. She is a member of the Razor’s Edge Global, a program that is dedicated to raising global awareness and celebrating diversity throughout campus. She is also the vice president of the Latin American Student Association and is currently the multicultural delegate for all of the registered student organizations. Her childhood love for storytelling is reflected in all she does because she believes that there is power in telling our stories and allowing the stories of others to inspire us to become the best version of ourselves.
Talk Description
As individuals, we have the right to tell our story. But, as human beings, we have the responsibility of telling the stories of others. In this talk, Maria Valladares will reveal how an uprising, a phone call, and a promise changed her perspective and led her to believe that becoming a storyteller is one of the most powerful things you can be.
Recommended Citation
Valladares, Maria, "Become a Storyteller: The Importance of the Stories of Others" (2019). TEDxNSU. 43.