Leaders Are Born to be Made

Leaders Are Born to be Made



Author Bio(s)

Dr. Bryan J. Deptula is an Assistant Professor of Leadership at Nova Southeastern University and co-founder of BKD Leaders; a training firm that transforms today’s worker into tomorrow’s leader. As an executive, he became fascinated with discovering the best ways to develop leaders that make organizations grow. Recognizing his life’s mission was to help others become leaders, he left industry behind to get an M.B.A. in management and a Ph.D. in leadership. He capitalizes on years of industry experience, his own research, and knowledge of leadership to close the gap on leading millennials and executives’ critical, creative, and strategic thinking. Deptula believes that the most important people in our lives are those who see within us that which we cannot see ourselves, for these people give us the courage and confidence to live into the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Talk Description

Leaders are born to be made! Leaders can be made through events in their life that pull out the leader from within, and trigger changes in how they see themselves in relation to others. In this talk, Bryan Deptula reveals how the pillars of leader development—identity, intellect, and instances – can be applied to transform today’s worker into tomorrow’s leader, and make generations of great leaders.


Streaming Media

Leaders Are Born to be Made
