Seeking Inspiration, Not Happiness
Author Bio(s)
Devika Lynn Carr is a multi-faceted woman practicing the art of being inspired while struggling to fulfill professional passions simultaneously. With an educational foundation in sociology, Devika understood happiness as society’s requisite for success which led to unreasonably believing sadness derived from being single, career-less, and without a blueprint for any next achievement was textbook failure. Her journey filled with little moments of inspiration and even smaller expectations has caused advancements in love, work, and gratitude. And after a near decade of transcending roles as a thankful wife, honest mother, passionate criminal defense law firm owner, limitless self-taught painter, and creative story-teller using prose to demystify stereotypes, it is possible she has discovered her life’s purpose is simply to show others why inspiration is more fulfilling than happiness.
Talk Description
Society uses happiness as a measure of success, subsequently authorizing negative stigmas about those who experience depression or mental health related conditions. Experiencing significant periods of sadness while living in a culture of people only talking about their pursuits of happiness made Carr desperate for an honest approach to living authentically, without disregarding real emotions. With commitment and practice, she discovered the art of finding inspiration in every little moment of life is the minute mindset shift with the greatest impact on achieving all of life’s purpose.
Recommended Citation
Carr, Devika, "Seeking Inspiration, Not Happiness" (2018). TEDxNSU. 37.