Putting Out the Fire
Talk Description
Nothing can inspire us to act and react quite like a fire. If you have been near an uncontrolled fire, your nerves are undoubtedly familiar with the fear and sensations associated with this sudden and growing danger. The truth is, if there’s fire, someone has likely made a poor decision. When we encounter danger in our lives—whether life-threatening or life-altering—we are forced to make split-second decisions. But even in the middle of our most frantic moments, if we can remember to follow simple rules like “stop, drop, and roll,” we can limit and eliminate the damage in our lives from making bad decisions. This talk will acknowledge that bad decisions can have detrimental and even disastrous impacts on our lives, while exploring ways to respond in troublesome situations, avoid or overcome the ramifications of such decisions, and deliver us from danger. Life is full of daily choices and new chances. So, when the world around you catches fire, react with tact.
Recommended Citation
Flournah-Perkins, Yolanda, "Putting Out the Fire" (2017). TEDxNSU. 31.