How to Perceive Failure in Life
Talk Description
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. But fear is not real. It is the product of thoughts we create. Moreover, when we fear failure, deep inside we know the reason behind our fear, and we avoid confrontation by diverting our thoughts. Fear of failure can actually be the best thing one can experience because it often points us to the areas we need to investigate more closely. Fear itself isn’t the problem; our reaction to our own fears is the issue. In making fear of failure an adversary, we miss the challenge of deciphering the message being sent to us. When we choose to make fear an ally, it can become useful in many ways. This talk encourages us to embrace a different perspective on fear because only by controlling emotion and letting go of negativity can one discover wisdom.
Recommended Citation
Patel, Pratik, "How to Perceive Failure in Life" (2017). TEDxNSU. 29.