Failing Forward
Talk Description
As a teenager, speaker Rosie Taylor dreamed of being a bestselling novelist, teaching at a local New York college, and spending her summers traveling the world. While none of that materialized, she wouldn’t change a thing. Sometimes our big life plans go out the window, and all you can do is look fear straight in the face and forge ahead with ideas that others call downright crazy. After 50 years of putting aside conventional wisdom, Taylor learned that there’s always the opportunity to start a new chapter. Even if there’s a bear standing in the middle of the road, and you’ve got nothing but a motorcycle, you can still get closer to take a better look. Sometimes the bear you feared is even more afraid of you, and the view on the other side is worth the risk.
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Rosie, "Failing Forward" (2017). TEDxNSU. 27.