Creative Violence
Talk Description
Contemporary African American culture is often misunderstood, and at times, its beauty goes unrecognized. Urban artistic expression, in particular, is often perceived as a lesser form of art when compared to more dominant, Eurocentric art forms. Through dance, literature, and photography, this presentation aims to celebrate African American culture through creative expression, rather than resorting to violence as a response to racial discrimination. From its early roots to present day, African American art has served as a tool to fight oppression and inspire social justice and reform. Multiculturalism, gentrification, and racially charged violence in America are topics at the forefront of today’s headlines and family dinner conversations. This presentation will explore these issues through art as a means to shed a positive light on the societal and political changes desperately needed to overcome America’s history of inequality.
Recommended Citation
Williams, Alonzo, "Creative Violence" (2017). TEDxNSU. 26.