Rising Above the Magazine Covers
Talk Description
After a series of events including preparing for a bikini competition, taking a Photoshop class, and dealing with food obsessions, Brittany Calaluca realized that bodily perfection is not reality. Anything close to it is short lived and technologically created. As a fitness professional, she has adopted a personal mission to air out the industry’s dirty laundry of unhealthy diets, food and body-part obsessions, and a reliance on Photoshop to create the ideal images of a fitness model. This talk will include Calaluca’s personal experience, statistical data, and examples of the power and influence of digital photo editing. Where is the real work being done—in the gym or on a computer?
Recommended Citation
Calaluca, Brittany, "Rising Above the Magazine Covers" (2015). TEDxNSU. 15.