Institutional Affiliation

o.p. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India

Start Date

16-1-2025 1:30 PM

End Date

16-1-2025 3:00 PM

Proposal Type


Proposal Format


Proposal Description


The management of the herdsmen-farmers conflict-induced internal displacement in Benue State, Nigeria was characterized by the conflictual approach of the Benue State government and disagreement over displacement data by humanitarian agencies. The study explored the inter-connected relationship among stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and its effects on protection measures and durable solutions for the conflict-induced displacement crisis. The qualitative study was conducted among twenty-three adult females and males comprising internally displaced persons (IDPs), and humanitarian workers in the government and non-governmental humanitarian sectors. The study findings show that though the herdsmen-farmers conflict accounts for mass population displacement, loss of lives and enormous destruction of livelihoods and property, the approach of the Benue State in managing the conflict further escalated humanitarian crisis and protracted the conflict. Additionally, the conflictual approach of the government created conditions that worsened interconnected relationship of stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and significantly informed how government and humanitarian agencies responded to the conflict and the displacement crisis. The study concludes that while the herdsmen-farmers conflict disrupted the peace of the affected populations and communities in Benue State, the poor approach of government further escalated the conflict and left an estimated 1.5 million IDPs in protracted displacement without sustainable humanitarian assistance nor durable solutions. The study thus adds that the approach of stakeholders and their interconnected relationship are critical to conflict resolution and can contribute to successful peacebuilding or mar peace processes. The paper makes recommendations for a more diplomatic and peaceful approach for the management of conflict-induced displacements by stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and added that to achieve durable solutions, the road to peace must be less conflictual.

Keywords: Herdsmen-farmers conflict. Internally displaced persons. Benue State-Nigeria. humanitarian eco-system


Jan 16th, 1:30 PM Jan 16th, 3:00 PM

A Study of the Intra-Government Conflictual Approach in the Management of the Herdsmen-Farmers Conflict-Induced Internal Displacement in Benue State, Nigeria


The management of the herdsmen-farmers conflict-induced internal displacement in Benue State, Nigeria was characterized by the conflictual approach of the Benue State government and disagreement over displacement data by humanitarian agencies. The study explored the inter-connected relationship among stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and its effects on protection measures and durable solutions for the conflict-induced displacement crisis. The qualitative study was conducted among twenty-three adult females and males comprising internally displaced persons (IDPs), and humanitarian workers in the government and non-governmental humanitarian sectors. The study findings show that though the herdsmen-farmers conflict accounts for mass population displacement, loss of lives and enormous destruction of livelihoods and property, the approach of the Benue State in managing the conflict further escalated humanitarian crisis and protracted the conflict. Additionally, the conflictual approach of the government created conditions that worsened interconnected relationship of stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and significantly informed how government and humanitarian agencies responded to the conflict and the displacement crisis. The study concludes that while the herdsmen-farmers conflict disrupted the peace of the affected populations and communities in Benue State, the poor approach of government further escalated the conflict and left an estimated 1.5 million IDPs in protracted displacement without sustainable humanitarian assistance nor durable solutions. The study thus adds that the approach of stakeholders and their interconnected relationship are critical to conflict resolution and can contribute to successful peacebuilding or mar peace processes. The paper makes recommendations for a more diplomatic and peaceful approach for the management of conflict-induced displacements by stakeholders within the humanitarian eco-system and added that to achieve durable solutions, the road to peace must be less conflictual.

Keywords: Herdsmen-farmers conflict. Internally displaced persons. Benue State-Nigeria. humanitarian eco-system