
This talk will provide an overview of the ubiquitous field of artificial intelligence, the growing field of quantum computers, and their intersection, quantum machine learning. This new branch harnesses the combined potential of its predecessors to unlock groundbreaking applications. I will briefly introduce the paradigms of AI and fundamental concepts around it. We will discuss algorithms that learn and make decisions based on data, as well as neural networks that are data-free, that is, learned from models.

Presenter Bio

Dr. Cabrera did his PhD onquantum information sciencerelated to cavity QED systemsand color centers in diamond.He has developed methodsfor quantum control andquantum sensing. Later on, herefocused his attention to AI.Over the past six years he hasbeen working with machinelearning models, physics-informed neural nets, kernel-based quantum machinelearning models andvariational quantum circuits.He joined NSU in 2024 and islooking forward to continuingwith these research lines.

Date of Event

Thursday January 23, 2025


Parker Building 338

Included in

Mathematics Commons


Jan 23rd, 12:30 PM

Artificial Intelligence Meets Quantum

Parker Building 338

This talk will provide an overview of the ubiquitous field of artificial intelligence, the growing field of quantum computers, and their intersection, quantum machine learning. This new branch harnesses the combined potential of its predecessors to unlock groundbreaking applications. I will briefly introduce the paradigms of AI and fundamental concepts around it. We will discuss algorithms that learn and make decisions based on data, as well as neural networks that are data-free, that is, learned from models.