Faculty Articles


Paying it Forward: The Many Faces of Mentoring

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South Florida Hospital News Healthcare Report





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As we reflect on the different stages of our professional development, we can often identify people who had strong influences on "who we are, our approach to our work, or how we present ourselves". The mechanism for facilitating this type of learning in the health professions is often called "mentoring". Mentoring systems in medicine are well established and a very important component of"professionalism". Over the years, mentoring has been part of the "hidden curriculum" in medical education. Much like other areas of medicine, mentoring is evolving within the profession. Previously, mentoring occurred spontaneously between people with shared interests, but now includes an "organizational" role as well as dedicated time and resources. The mentoring model ofNSU COM reflects the new paradigm of mentoring within the profession. Therefore, while encouraging spontaneous mentoring relationships, the Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine provides more formal modes of mentoring as students mentor students; faculty mentor students and faculty mentoring faculty.


Medical Specialties | Medicine and Health Sciences | Osteopathic Medicine and Osteopathy

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