HCBE Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Motivational Framework: Insights into Decision Support Systems Use and Decision Performance

Motivational Framework: Insights into Decision Support Systems Use and Decision Performance

Book Title

Decision Support Systems

Document Type

Book Chapter



Publication Date



In a constantly changing economic and social environment, organisations, managers, specialists in finance and accounting, people in charge with warning the population in case of disasters, etc. must make important decisions caused by the mobility of internal and external factors. Decisions made in this context must balance advantages and disadvantages, forecast shortterm, medium-term and long-term consequences on the activity of an organisation or community which may be affected by disasters, and be assessed before implementation. Decision support systems are meant to meet such requirements. The development of such systems is a time-consuming operation and it can only be carried out by specialised personnel. The modeling, formalisation and implementation efforts of knowledge in the field are substantial. Numerous modelling methods, support systems for creating representations and implementing solutions have been developed (Donciulescu et al., 1986), (Donciulescu et al., 1985), (Filip, 2008), but the mere operation of data collection is extremely difficult. Once the system has been created, it must pass a series of tests, all the defects must be corrected and only then it may be exploited under the direct supervision of those who implemented it. The motivation to develop a complex system for the management of the environment and public dissemination of environment-related information is twofold: · to provide the managers who make decisions in environmental issues with a complex environment management system, which enables them to make scientifically verified decisions, based on principles derived from ecology; such principles are: preservation of ecological balance, and biodiversity (genofund and ecofund), reducing water, air and soil pollution, reasonable exploitation of natural resources; the principles for approaching a complex environment management system and for the public dissemination of information related to the environment are as well presented; · in addition, a system for the public dissemination of information related to the environment and a disaster warning system for the authorities are required to protect the population and their property from natural disasters (floods, drought, landslides, avalanches, severe pollution of air, water and soil and other disasters). An important contribution to the development of the complex environment management system and public dissemination of information related to the environment is the integration of subsystems (component modules) with the complex environment management system. In this context, the architecture of the complex environment management system and public.


INTECH Open Access Publisher


Shanghai, China




Motivational Framework: Insights into Decision Support Systems Use and Decision Performance
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