Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


David Weintraub

Committee Member

Katrina Pann

Committee Member

Kimberly Durham


school context, school counselor practice, ASCA model


The role of the school counselor is critical to the overall school experience for students. Although the American School Counselor Association National Model is comprehensive in scope and defines the role of professional school counselors, it does not always recognize the implications of school contextual factors on counselor practice. This quantitative non-experimental study was designed to examine counseling practice activities counselors in New York State most frequently engaged in based on the ASCA Model and differences that exist in practices based on school contextual factors (caseload size, school type, and school setting).

This study provided insight into how contextual factors affect counselor practice and to help school counselors and leaders identify gaps in service. Moreover, it will also help school leaders, counseling educators, and school counseling and school leadership preparation programs better support counseling practitioners in their work.

Data were collected utilizing the School Counseling Practice Survey, a 70-question instrument divided into 5 subsections using a 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data set. The participants were members of the New York State School Counseling Association (NYSSCA) n=133.

Key findings suggested practicing school counselors employed in public schools in New York State engaged in consultation practices most frequently (d=1.65). The practice dimension counseling was found to be the activity school counselors most frequently engaged in based on the school setting. Future research would include modifying the SCPS survey instrument and incorporating open-ended questions to gain deeper insight into what specific practices counselors engage in under each practice dimension and to align the caseload ranges with ASCA’s recommendation of 250:1.

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