FDLA 2014: Changing the Game: Testing the Boundaries of Distance Education

Warp Speed Ahead! Developing a Spoc to Measure Teacher Completer Impact on K-12 Student Learning


Teacher preparation programs are charged with providing evidence of teacher completers demonstrating positive impact on K-12 students’ learning. The purpose of this paper is to share an initiative that one university is taking to meet this need. A Small Private Online Course (SPOC) is being developed this fall of 2014 for graduate teacher completers to take after receiving training on curriculum reading applications and provide data on the implementation of the K-12 student’s reading progress. Details on how to setup a similar initiative are outlined.



Warp Speed Ahead! Developing a Spoc to Measure Teacher Completer Impact on K-12 Student Learning

Teacher preparation programs are charged with providing evidence of teacher completers demonstrating positive impact on K-12 students’ learning. The purpose of this paper is to share an initiative that one university is taking to meet this need. A Small Private Online Course (SPOC) is being developed this fall of 2014 for graduate teacher completers to take after receiving training on curriculum reading applications and provide data on the implementation of the K-12 student’s reading progress. Details on how to setup a similar initiative are outlined.