Please Don't Hurt Me: Perspectives in Child Abuse Prevention


Working in the child abuse field can be difficult. We see the worst of people perpetrated on the most vulnerable; our children. Some of us don't have the resources for continuous training or to attend mega conferences. This is why we collaboratively made the decision to host a free conference in South Florida.

Networking Opportunities: This Conference welcomes participants from around the world belonging to a variety of backgrounds, organizations, and agencies.

Our Vision: To give opportunities for professionals in or interested in the field of child abuse to meet, learn and work together. We want our community of professionals to build relationships in our field nationally, regionally and throughout the country.

We invite professionals with the following occupations: Forensic Interviewers, Child Protection workers, Law Enforcement, Tribal Members and Service Providers, Child Advocates, Medical and Mental Health Professionals, Educators, Social Workers, Investigators, Clergy, Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocates. For more information about the conference, please contact Dr. Denise Crammer at .

This conference is for

  • Administration
  • Child Protective Services
  • Forensic Interviewing
  • Guidance/School Counselors
  • Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation
  • Law Enforcement
  • Medical
  • Mental Health/Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Teachers Prosecution/Legal
  • Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • Victim Advocacy

Browse the contents of Please Don't Hurt Me: Perspectives in Child Abuse Prevention:

Please Don't Hurt Me: Perspectives in Child Abuse Prevention 2016